Funny Stuff
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The following funny texts and jokes were emailed to me, and collected over many years. They are the funniest from a collection of hundreds! Without exception, they came through a large chain of people, and were each completely untraceable. Because of this, I have taken them to be public property, and shared them with you on this site.

Warning: Some of these pages are incredibly funny, and you read them at your own risk - I accept no responsibility! (particularly for time lost due to rolling on the floor).


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Prayer and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance Prayer and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance is already recognised by many as a classic, and I have to agree! Don writes so well that I am always captivated after reading just a few sentences, and struggle to put the book down. I couldn't help but howl with laughter as he described the funnier moments - it's first class entertainment all the way.
Make Windows More Fun!
Oska runs around my desktop amusing me all day - he is hilarious!!!!!
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[Visit Oska]
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