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If MicroSoft Built Cars....

top 10 ways that life would be different if Microsoft built cars:

10.  new seats would require everyone to have the same size butt.

 9.  we'd all have to switch to Microsoft gas (tm).

 8.  the U.S. government would be getting subsidies from an auto 
     maker....     instead of giving them.

 7.  the oil, alternator, gas, and engine warning lights would be 
     replaced by a single "general protection car fault" warning light.

 6.  sun motor systems would make a car that was solar-powered, twice as
     reliable, five times as fast, but would only run on 5% of the roads.

 5.  you would constantly be pressured to upgrade your car.

 4.  you could only have one person in your car at a time, unless you
     bought car '95 or car nt; but then, you'd have to buy more seats.

 3.  occasionally, your car would just die for no reason, and you would
     have to restart it.  for some strange reason, you would just accept
     this as normal.

 2.  every time the lines on the road were repainted, you'd have to buy 
     a new car.

And the number one way that life would be different if Microsoft built cars,

 1.  people would get excited about the new features in Microsoft cars,
     forgetting completely that they had been available in other brands
     for years.  (hmmmm...)

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Note: This is one of many funny texts and jokes that were emailed to me, and collected over many years. Without exception, they had come through a large chain of people, and were each completely untraceable. Because of this, I have taken them to be public property, and shared them with you on this site.

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